
Friday, June 10, 2011

Early Morning

I usually go back to bed after james leaves for work. Usually because I always feel woefully behind in sleep. This morning though I feel a tad bit caught up. We will see if it lasts and if I give in to a nap later.

I feel as if I have been busy all week but still have so much to do. I guess it will always feel that way to a certain extent.

I have been inspired lately by a few websites that focus on how to live with less and on less. The Lord has blessed James and I so much in spite of ourselves. James earns a good income and outside of our home we have no debt. I'm afraid this knowledge has tempted me to be a little too carefree with the household spending.  I was appalled when James told me that he had averaged our grocery spending over the last 6 months and that it was . . . let's just say out of control.  Part of this was due to the fact that we moved, and have had a pretty needy baby. I have used this as an excuse to buy more convenience type foods rather than cooking from scratch. No more. It has to stop.

One of the things I have been doing to avoid over spending is planning a menu and sticking to it. Here is a link that has a lot of free downloads - menu planning forms and much more. I have also been writing down everything i spend. Trying my best to itemize and keep track of what each item costs (on sale, at different stores etc.)

I am also exploring the idea of couponing but have yet to actually implement it.

SimpleMom is also a great website for not only money saving ideas but for just creative ways to simplify life. And I'm all about that!

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