
Monday, February 13, 2012

This is my life. I am who I want to be. Well, almost. I find myself being utterly thankful for my life and rebellious about about my life almost in the same instant.
The rebellion creeps in when the dishes are piled high and I am exhausted. When the floors are filthy and KL will NOT stop pulling on me. When the the plain old tiredness of being 17 weeks pregnant hits me and I realize I have not gotten one viable thing accomplished all day. These are the times when I am very apt to assume an attitude of martyrdom, just in time to greet a tired and hungry husband. I put myself on the defensive. . waiting for him to make a remark that could possibly be seen as snide or critical. It's because of these things. . . Knowing these things about myself and longing to put the attitude of rebellion and bitterness off forever, that I say I am who I want to be. Almost. God is not done with me. Everyday I realize how far I have to go.
But this is my life, and I love it. you see that smiling face up there? That's my little girl. The most amazing gift I have ever been given. She is her daddy all over and that makes her all the more special and precious to me. Of course she looks like me sometimes but I love seeing her daddy's grin come over her face, like in this picture. These people (and the one in my womb) are my life and how Thankful I am. :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What can I say about life these days? Not much and A LOT at the same time. Life goes on pretty much as it always has but changes everyday too. My plans for a baking blog never materialized. It's just as well. I don't have the time or energy it would take to make such a blog interesting and readable + I would gain so much weight! Maybe one day.

So life is pretty much the same. I stay home with KL and try not to use my job as an excuse to not get anything else done. . creative or otherwise. I am still a violinist though some days I feel this ability slipping away from me and wonder home many days I can go without serious practice before I lose my "touch."

Katy Lynn is growing so fast. The rare moments when she is still enough (read: tired enough) to let me cuddle and rock her I force myself to take a mental picture knowing full well it is one of the last times she will probably let me rock her for any length of time. Oh how the newborn days seemed to drag. . . with nothing BUT rocking and walking. Now these sweet times are waning. I know they will only be replaced by other, different sweet times but still. My baby girl is so big.

Speaking of newborn days. We get to experience them again very soon! Baby Dobson 2.0 is set to arrive in late July, Lord willing. We are beyond excited! :)

This morning I actually had the kind of morning I have been dreaming about for awhile. I got up with James, made breakfast and sent him off to work, but instead of returning to bed until KL wakes up I stayed up! I made coffee, toasted my bagel and sat down with my Bible. This is the habit I want to form at least until the baby is born. We will see.

Well, there it is. . . a blog post. Hopefully I'll come up with something enlightening to say eventually but for now I'll just prattle.