The rebellion creeps in when the dishes are piled high and I am exhausted. When the floors are filthy and KL will NOT stop pulling on me. When the the plain old tiredness of being 17 weeks pregnant hits me and I realize I have not gotten one viable thing accomplished all day. These are the times when I am very apt to assume an attitude of martyrdom, just in time to greet a tired and hungry husband. I put myself on the defensive. . waiting for him to make a remark that could possibly be seen as snide or critical. It's because of these things. . . Knowing these things about myself and longing to put the attitude of rebellion and bitterness off forever, that I say I am who I want to be. Almost. God is not done with me. Everyday I realize how far I have to go.
But this is my life, and I love it. you see that smiling face up there? That's my little girl. The most amazing gift I have ever been given. She is her daddy all over and that makes her all the more special and precious to me. Of course she looks like me sometimes but I love seeing her daddy's grin come over her face, like in this picture. These people (and the one in my womb) are my life and how Thankful I am. :)
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