
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the next 30 days

For the next 30 days I will be going on a baking hiatus. I will probably bake once in a while for James only and probably only in his presence. (If he's watching i'm not likely to snitch cookie dough or lick the batter bowl.) This is in an effort to go very strictly on the Atkins plan to make headway toward my summer weight loss goal of 30 27 pounds. I've managed to lose a pound or two here and there, slow and steady but I know if I do Atkins it will come off much faster. So. . . . . . So long, pound cake, cookies, muffins, french toast. Oh how I love to bake and eat sweets. hopefully it is a temporary sacrifice and when I reach my goal I can go back to indulging now and then. 

Along with my baking hiatus I am going to tone down my running just a bit. Its always hard for me to run when I'm on strict Atkins- my energy wanes for the first several days.  I am going to give my body a chance to get acclimated to the change and focus on long walks with my little girl for awhile. i'll probably still try to run about twice a week for 1-2 miles but that'll be it for about a month I think. 

I think it will feel good to give myself permission to just walk after training for the 5K I ran on Saturday. (no i will not admit the time just that I DID NOT walk.) TO be specific James and I ran it together. It was our 5th anniversary see and we got the idea it would be cool to run the 5K to sort of honor it. We did. I had trained all late Winter/Spring for it. He trained exactly 2 weeks and finished well ahead of me. Men!  I'm so proud we did it though. It was a blast! We are hoping to do at least one more in the Summer and then maybe one in the Fall eventually working our way up to a 10K. We dream. . . 

The rest of this week is going to be spent getting ready for a quick trip to Brevard, NC to visit James' Grandmother and Kl's great-Grandmother. We plan to drive through the night Friday hoping KL will sleep and the head back Sunday afternoon. It should be an adventure and hopefully not too tiring. It is a beautiful place so i am looking forward to great pictures! So until then. . . 

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